
Eric and Melissa Smith

Helena, Alabama

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Lemon Oil

Lemon Essential Oil is
antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiseptic!

Lemon essential oil is commonly known as a cleanser, but it has an amazingly wide variety of applications.  Here are some ideas to try in your own home.

  • Add lemon oil to drinking water to help reduce acidity in the body.  This can ease the symptoms of gout and rheumatism by helping to cleanse uric acid from the body.

  • Add lemon oil and a bit of stevia to water to make a refreshing lemonade.

  • Add lemon oil to your diffuser.  Diffused into the air, lemon oil has been shown to improve alertness, memory and productivity. 

  • For coughs, colds , and throat or mouth infections, add a few drops of lemon oil to a glass of water and gargle.

  • Apply lemon oil topically to cold sores to help ease the pain and promote healing.

  • Add a few drops of lemon oil to a bath to add in easing symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

  • To make a clean-smelling disinfectant spray, add 3-5 drops to water in a spray bottle.

  • Apply a few drops of lemon oil to remove gum stuck in hair or to get rid of gummy residue on glass.

  • Add a few drops of lemon oil to shampoo to clean greasy hair.

  • Apply lemon oil topically to cellulite or varicose veins.  Lemon oil promotes circulation.

  • Use lemon essential oil in your own homemade glass cleaner and wood cleaner.  Click here for recipes.

  • To reduce static electricity in your laundry, put 3-5 drops of lemon oil on a small rag and toss it in with the load in the dryer.

  • Have you found lemon oil to be helpful in your home?
    Do you have any recipes or suggestions to share?

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