Well, here they are! My five cleaning supplies plus the recommended bonus items.
I already had the Borax. |
I bought the Washing Soda at Publix. |
I bought a big box at Publix. |
Publix again! |
I bought the Castile Soap at Organic Harvest. The Liquid Soap was $15.99, comparable to the Amazon price. The Bar Soap was $4.29. I could have saved a little by ordering the bar soap from Moms Aware for $3.50 (free shipping), but I was eager to have it in hand.
I already had these Beeyoutiful Essential Oils on hand. Andrea recommends Tea Tree Oil for its medicinal properties. I've chosen Lemon and Lavender for good-smelling cleaning! These and other oils are available from Smith Family Resources. Click here for more information.
All total, I spent about $30. I could have spent less if I hadn't been in such a hurry!
I'd love to hear about your shopping. Please tell us if you're able to find any good deals on any of these products!
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